CREATED MINDFULLY! Extensive research has shown that a foundation of shared interests, vision and values paves the way for lasting connections, with self-awareness being just as key. Developed by a licensed, clinical, mental health professional, CircleOneEvents offers purposeful settings where individuals can connect with others, engage in enjoyable activities, and explore personal growth. Learn more about CircleOneEvents as a fulfilling journey of connection and self-discovery, here!

STAY IN THE KNOW! Our scheduled events throughout Chicagoland focus on building connections through diverse experiences. They are excellent opportunities to engage in something different while growing your network and yourself! Events range from Light Improv For Singles, Cooking Classes, Volunteering Opportunities and Mental Health Forums. Explore our calendar here!

EXPANSIVE OFFERINGS! Our spectrum of events focuses on encompassing your evolving and changing lifestyle. Singles and partnered events, along with consultation, personal growth and mental health conversations. Keep updated with or diverse offerings here!